Monday, February 27, 2012

Mitt Romey's Stance on Immigration vs. His Religion

Considering this is the first year that I will be able to vote, I have chosen a story about one of the political candidates.  I want to be as informed as I can about each candidate before it comes time to vote so that I can make the right decision that will best benefit myself and my political beliefs.  In this article from the Las Angeles Times it discusses Mitt Romney's stance on immigration and how it coincides with his religious beliefs.  According to the article Romney has a very firm stance on immigration which goes against his beliefs as a Mormon.  The Mormon community, in this article it specifically addresses Arizona's Mormon community, supports and provides for illegal immigrants as long as they are working towards citizenship and not committing crimes.  Romney does not agree with this, which shows to his skeptics that he is not completely, as the article says, "beholden" to his religion.  I think it is important for issues like this to be known because if someone based their vote solely on their knowledge that Romney was a Mormon they wouldn't completely understand his stance on many controversies.  To check out the article go to,0,318640.story.

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