Monday, April 9, 2012

"Lesser of Two Evils" Editorial Review

After reading Carrie Hicks editorial Lesser of Two Evils, I can say that we come close to sharing almost identical political views because of the fact that I agree with all of her opinions on the political issues discussed in this blog.  I would like to see where she got her information from that she used to back her opinions, particularly for the quote she gives from Santorum. But I will say that it seems that for the most part her conclusions were drawn from an overall view of the subject as a opposed to finite details. This means that the information she supported her opinions with could have been past knowledge or tidbits she has picked up as she's watched the elections.  This shows that in her case citing her sources may not have been necessary, so the lack in sources does not completely take away from her credibility.  Aside from her lack of sources I have no complaints for this editorial.  I agree with what she is trying to say about the candidates since I feel the same way.  I don't really support one candidate or the other since I don't agree completely with any of their platforms.  I like how she describes it as choosing the “lesser of the two evils” because that is exactly how I feel right now when it comes to choosing a candidate.  This will be my first year to vote and I want to make sure I choose exactly the right candidate who will support my political beliefs, but what do I do when none of the candidate do this?  And I love, and I mean love, what she says about where our candidates focus seems to be now days.  But, apparently, the bigger concerns for our candidates are decisions that don’t involve them and what some people choose to do in their bedrooms,” to me this hits the nail on the head with the current political issues in circulation.  Who cares about who’s marrying who?  Why don’t we put all that effort towards something that will affect the entire population instead of just a small portion of it?  For example, the awesome economy we are living in right now is on the very top of my list of concerns and I’m only 17.

1 comment:

  1. Lát sàn gỗ công nghiệp châu âu sẽ đảm bảo được độ bền của sàn nhà của căn biệt thự. Bởi sàn Châu Âu là sàn gỗ công nghiệp cao cấp, có có chất lượng đạt tiêu chuẩn quốc tế. Sản phẩm chịu nước tốt, chịu nhiệt cao không bị cong vênh, co ngót khi thời tiết thay đổi, bề mặt không bị trầy xước hay phai màu do các yếu tố ngoại cảnh gây nên
