Thursday, March 22, 2012

Obamacare Versus I Don't Care by Brent Abrahamson

In the blog, Obamacare Versus I Don't Care by Brent Abrahamson, he discusses one of our most leading political issues, healthcare.   The author himself gives no background information about himself or his political background, which makes me question how much he truly knows about this issue, but he is basing his current opinion off of a personal experience which shows that he has a firm example of where the government is failing in healthcare.  In the blog he claims that if you are to choose Republican in the elections you would be supporting a group of people that represent a government who doesn’t care about it’s citizens. While if you chose Democratic, or more specifically Obama, then you would be supporting a government that does support it’s citizens.  Abrahamson uses a first hand account of a run in at his pharmacy as an example of our current government and how it is failing.   Abrahamson describes when he was in line at the pharmacy and a young man was having problems getting his medication, after being told that he could not get it there the young man tried to ask where else he could go to get his medication and the pharmacist simply turned the him away.   After, the young man asked how much his medication would be if he paid for it himself and the clerk told him $900.  Abrahamson told the man what he could try to do and meanwhile found out that the medication was something vital to the young mans life.  I believe that this particular story is extremely helpful to Abrahamson’s opinion.  It brings out an emotional response from the reader by making you pity the young man and be angry towards our government for not being able to support someone for something they need to live.  I think one thing that Abrahamson fails to see is that Obama has been in office for a full term now, and since this was a recent experience, it obviously happened under Obama’s healthcare policy.  Meaning that the policy that Obama has enacted is not any different from the one that he describes the republicans having, which is that they should repeal the Affordable Health Care Act. If Obama was really any better than the Republican policy then why is this event occurring under his presidency? 

1 comment:

  1. sàn gỗ công nghiệp châu âu là sàn gỗ công nghiệp được đánh giá rất cao về độ an toàn cho sức khỏe người sử dụng và thân thiện với môi trường. Sản phẩm trước khi được đưa ra thị trường đã được kiểm tra vô cùng khắt khe, đảm bảo có chất lượng tốt và an toàn mới được đưa đến tay người tiêu dùng.
